Waterfalls and Train Tracks Following the Beautiful Drive

Green Valleys

Bright Dandelions
We slept well in the quiet of the mountain and had our first dark night in a long time. We did have trains off in the distance, which made us feel right at home.
A word about choosing campgrounds -
Don't trust the Milepost book where businesses write their own ads. Check the RV Guides that have ratings. This Kinnikinnick Campground advertised: Pristine views - the tops of other crowded in campers. Walk to the beach - the fenced in old cannery on the harbor. Internet - We couldn't get contact at our site and there was only very low service down by the office, which wasn't even strong enough to bring in Yahoo. TV - You might get TV if you had your own large antennae that was a lot bigger than ours. We got one weak station that played cartoons and hockey. Hot showers -a space, two by three feet (Bob measured), with a dirty shower curtain and a musty smell. Yuck! The owner was a creative writer for sure.
We headed east away from the coast and enjoyed the misty mountains once again. The land leveled out a little with more birch and wider valleys as we went. We saw a deer beside the road drinking from a stream. That was the first deer we'd seen in a while. She was big and a light, tawny color and luckily she turned away from the highway.
We drove into the clean, friendly town of Smithers. There were snowy mountains on both sides in a lovely green valley with horse ranches all around. We saw a sign by the fairgrounds advertising their approaching rodeo. We stopped for groceries and were impressed with the well stocked fresh offerings, and, they had a Starbucks, which we took advantage of to give us a little boost. We saw several ranchers in their pickup trucks and wearing cowboy hats making it feel like Wyoming.
Everything was lush spring green in the valley with lots of birch and pine. There were also large bright dandelions and lilacs thickly in bloom everywhere. Spring was in full swing there, which felt good as we had missed much of it at home. We got the occasional glimpses of snowy mountains in the distance, or it would have looked like the countryside southwest of the Mackinaw City or Traverse City areas. There were quaint farms with some cattle and many horses. The air was cool and so fresh.
We saw a young buck in velvet by the road and he also turned and ran away from the highway. We saw a mama moose and her little one running along in the ditch and then up and over the road behind us. It was so much fun to see the calf determinedly trotting along to keep up.
Spring is a great time to travel here. We missed seeing the bull moose with their big racks and the Grizzly Bear fishing for Salmon, but what a treat to see all of those babies.
Right outside of a little town, a black bear ran across in front of the semi that was in front of us. We both had to slam on our breaks.
It was a long, but beautiful day of driving. We wanted to make it to Prince George, but knew it was time to quit in Vanderhoof, BC at Dave's RV Park. It was just outside of town with full hook up except for TV, and it was spotless. We were happy to settle in.
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