Our camp site from our dinette window.

Wild flowers beside the road.
A mama moose and her twins in the brush.

Danny Lee and Sue Jean singing Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash.
Friday, June 3
We took our time in the morning enjoying the river. Bob fixed our breakfast over the fire and we took a long walk. I think this is Ben's favorite place.
A word about showers - Many of the showers in these campgrounds are pay for use. You push in a quarter and the water starts and you'd better have more ready when you're all sudzed up and it quits. Most cost $.50 to $1.00, but one was $3.00. We have used our own little shower quite a bit and have a good system now worked out.
We stayed as late as we could and got on the road headed back to Tok and the Sourdough Campground.
The wildflowers along the road were just coming into bloom and so beautiful with yellow, blue and purple. It is supposed to be just gorgeous in a couple of weeks.
We hadn't seen any wildlife, when we spotted a mama moose and twins posed on a point of land out in a lake. We found a place to turn around and went back to watch and get pictures, but she had moved them into the woods. We watched till they disappeared and then Bob moved forward in case we could see them on the other side of the point. As we moved slowly past, we saw her in the water swimming with the twins following close behind. She looked huge. It was so cool, but happened so fast and we didn't get pictures. sometimes it's better to just watch.
We got to our campground and set up in a new sight right near Danny Lee the singer. We decided to go to town and get dinner and do laundry. We we got there, we realized there wasn't much of a town and there was only one restaurant which was Fast Eddies. It was very nice and kind of the community meeting place. They had a good salad bar and we got the specials. It was a lot of food and not all that good for the expensive price. Next time we'll split a meal or make our own.
The laundromat was closed, so we just went back to camp in time for the Pancake Toss. You get a free breakfast if you can stand behind the line and throw a pancake into the bucket. We each got two throws and were close, but no win.
Danny Lee and Sue Jean sung again and we sat with our new friends, the retired campground workers, Bob and Becky. We really enjoy their company and laughed a lot. There were a few other couples there too and everyone seemed to have fun even though it was cold and rainy. We were under a pavilion roof with winter coats on. We met a young couple from Switzerland traveling in a small van, motor home that they rented in Vancouver. It was fun to hear their impressions and to watch them search for words to explain things. The whole night was just a delight and how appropriate that we spent both our first and last nights in Alaska in such a cozy campground. And, yes, I did get up again with Bob and Becky (and more joined in later) to help Danny Lee close with "On the Road Again."
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