The first picture is of the Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump. The next is the dusty back road we took. And the third is last night's camp at Spring Creek in Canmore.
We hit another little road block as I woke up Sunday morning with a Urinary Tract Infection, on top of my yucky cold. I started thinking that I was finally falling apart and too old to travel. I whined to Bob about needing to trade me in for a newer model. We considered staying in Fort McCleod to try to let me get healthy. We went to Fort McCleod's small hospital and I got right in. No wait. There were two nurses and one young lady doctor that reminded me of Jessica Williams. They were great and so understanding and even gave me enough meds so it would take care of the infection and I didn't have to pick up a prescrption. We were back on the road in less than an hour. I was so impressed. Maybe Canada's health care system isn't so bad.
We decided to push on and went to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump. It was very interesting with a beautiful interpretive center and trails to hike. What an ingenious way to hunt buffalo. It was good to get out and walk the grassy, windy trails (even though it said to watch for cougars and bear), but Ben couldn't go, so we didn't stay long.
We took a back road to cut across to Highway 22 north and the scenery was fabulous, but it turned into a dry dirt road with about 30 miles to go. Bob moaned as we watched the clouds of dirt and dust soak into the trailer and truck. We pushed on and Bob didn't let it affect his speed.
Highway 22, the Cowboy Trail, lived up to it's name with lots of very pretty range land and increasing hills with snow covered mountains in the back ground. We saw lots of deer and a herd of elk. We got on Highway 1 and headed west towards Banff and got a camp just east of there at Spring Creek in Canmore. A clear little stream flowed behind us and mountains surrounded us. We saw elk droppings all around the camp site. The view was breathtaking and it was so peacefully quiet. And, then, and then, wait for it...is that thunder?...no...the horn blasts and a train chugs by just on the other side of the pretty little stream behind a row of pines. Can you believe it?!
We spent the first hour at camp cleaning and cleaning the out the dust that thickly coated everything inside the trailer. Then, lovely hamburgers (mine Boca) cooked over the fire and deli potato salad out at the picnic table. We're doing good!
Today off to Banff, Lake Louise, and maybe Jasper, after we get the dust out of the back of the truck.
"...a pretty little stream" yes...but what I want to know is, Did it have trout in it Bob?...were there natural, reproducing trout between you and the train?
ReplyDelete-Nephew Mike
I'll try this a 4th time - maybe it will eventually work.