Friday, May 13, 2011

Getting in the Routine

We are fine and doing well, but had kind of a rough beginning. It was a nice trip to Gary & Carol's and we got to see Mike and Cindy's beautiful new house. We had a cozy dinner with Gary and Carol and then the worst head cold I have had in years kicked in full gear and I had to crash. I have pretty much been in a blur since with my focus being on breathing, but I think I'm finally coming out of it. Bless Carol for the Puffs plus lotion she gave me. And, bless Carol and Linda for the cookies which have kept us going. But, Linda, the Tootsie Roll pops are going to send both of us to the dentist!

After we left Gary & Carol's we discovered we had computer problems and cell phone problems. We ended up in a small town less than an hour from our start and had to wait for stores to open as we were not sure where we might find another store and this was pretty convenient. Luckily there was a Starbucks right there so it wasn't all bad. We also had to stop for some stuff Bob needed for the trailer and we went through at least an hour and a half of stop and go traffic through St. Paul, so we sure didn't make the time we had hoped for our first day. However,we stayed in the nicest, small, very clean campground, Prairie Cove, right off the highway in Ashby, Minnesota about an hour east of the North Dakota line. It was an adjustment to go from near 90 degree, humid weather to a bone chilling 39 with rain. We had the space heater on last night and used all of our blankets. Also, I didn't post last night as the blog site was down.

Today I have felt better as the day went and we have seen beautiful country. We love the wide open spaces across North Dakota. At Dickinson we took 85 north and saw lots of oil fields and huge fields with dirt roads and cattle. Then we came into Theodore Roosevelt National Park and saw such interesting land formations and striped hills. Small herds of Pronghorn deer were in some of the fields and we saw Mule deer along a river bed,but no elk or bison yet. We were both surprised at all of the flooding. Bales of hay were half under water and there was lots of mud.

We picked up Highway 2 and headed west into Montana. It was beautiful big sky country and highway 2 was a hoot as it went up and down at pretty steep angles with grand views of the Missouri River and land that went on forever. We learned quickly what the signs that say "Rough Break" mean. The worst damage was all of coats on the floor of our little coat closet located at the bouncey back of our trailer.

We are now tucked in for the night at Shady Rest (sounds like a cemetary) Campground in Glasgow, Montana. We drove 630 miles today, which is more than we will normally do. Mountain time will be interesting as we'll probably be ready to hit the road around 5:00 AM. Our goal tomorrow is to be near Calgary in Canada.

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